Ever feel like you just aren't photogenic? Well that's nonsense!! Everyone is photogenic, however sometimes we don't always dress, pose or adorn ourselves properly for photographic success. This page was designed to assist you in getting ready for your photo session. Here I'll suggest some hair and make-up tips for the ladies, some posing suggestions for families and large groups, what to wear, and how to prepare your youngsters for their camera debut. I hope you'll find it informative and helpful :)
Tips for Your Photo Session
Hair and Make-up

First let's discuss hair. First and foremost you want to think of where you will be photographed. If you will be photographed on the beach or another windy outdoors area you'll want to make sure your hair can be contained. You can be posed beautifully, have perfect make-up, but if you have stray hairs all over your face the shot won't be quite as nice. This doesn't necessarily mean you can't wear it down, ladies, it simply means you must have clips or bobby pins both in the hair and in your pocket to help keep your hair restrained. Hair spray is always good for outdoor shoots, however use the spray sparingly. You don't want to have so much spray in your hair that it looks fake or is so wet it's shiny and reflects light.
When it comes to make-up make sure you use a look appropriate for the type of photographs you are taking. If you are having a boudoir session you'll want some dramatic make-up, however if you are having family photos done in an outdoors location you'll want something more natural as to not mute out the other family members. I always suggest wear at least some type of eye make-up to help bring out the eyes in any shoot, but be careful not to over do it. As for the base of your face, think MATTE! Unless planned or previously discussed with me, you DO NOT want to have anything sparkly, wet or oily on your face. This will only reflect light and keep you from looking your best. Also remember, make-up runs in the heat so bring extra make-up and make-up cleaning wipes if necessary. 

For some more make-up tips for looking your best in photos I recommend checking out this site

When preparing for a photoshoot find an outfit you feel you look fabulous in! The better you feel about yourself, the better you'll photograph! Try to avoid dark attire if you are photographing at the beah or late at night. The best attire for photoshoots tend to be brighter colors. If you have a large family, have your family coordinate for some extra great photo opportunities! Also, make sure your clothing is not too tight. You'll want to be able to pose and have fun. Don't let your clothing limit you. Ladies, be advised: dresses are not always the bes attire if it's a windy day ESPECIALLY if you are photographing on the beach. If you would like to wear a dress, try to wear shorts underneath just in case!

This is where you're going to think I'm crazy, but I promise it works!!! PRACTICE! That's right, I said it, PRACTICE! Practice those poses in a mirror. See which side is your best side, find stances that make you comofrtable and are flattering. It's amazing how much something as simple as sitting upright can completely change what you look like in a photo. If you are doing an engagement session, practice stances with your mate. If you rely on me to completely pose you, your photos will look fake. Instead, practice some things that make you feel comfortable, know what makes you look good, and then execute it on your big day. For wedding photos I recommend booking an engagement or couples session before hand. Nothing will help you feel more comfortable with a photographer and in front of a camera like a good ol fashion test run!

Taming the Kiddos
Sleep, snacks and bribery go a long way when it comes to photographing children. Make sure your child i well rested (not fresh from a nap) and well fed. If your kiddo is hungry or sleepy the photoshoot will be a lot more difficult and you'll get a lot less photos. If your child is older, offer them a reward if they have a good photoshoot and follow direction. If your kiddo is younger, bring a photo worthy prop, something they can hold on to that won't look weird in the photos. Decorative lolli pops and balloons are a great idea. They're colorful and kids love them! If your kid does get frustrated don't be alarmed. I deal with kids all the time, even have two of my own so I know how it goes. We'll try a few things and if your child just won't calm down and cooperate we will re-schedule for another day during another time.